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real resource中文是什么意思

用"real resource"造句"real resource"怎么读"real resource" in a sentence


  • 实际资源


  • Gradually babbit found that he had no real resources with himself .
  • The debt problems of developing countries and the transfer of real resources to these countries is another major area of unctad's work .
  • Based on the above achievement , they are working hard in order to reach the goal of green agriculture according to the area character and real resource
  • To maintain and improve quality with continuously expanding enrolment when real resources are declining will be one of the major challenges which many universities must face in the new century
  • Exportation of goods was favoured and encouraged ( even by means extremely onerous to the real resources of the country ) , because , the exported goods being stipulated to be paid for in money , it was hoped that the returns would actually be made in gold and silver
    货物的出口受到优待和鼓励(甚至靠极耗费国家人力物力的方法) ,因为出口的货物规定要用货币偿付,有希望由此而得到金银。
  • The purpose of the dissertation is to clarify the concept , the characteristics , the legal status of the digital library and the copyright problems the digital library faces , it is discussed the corresponding measures to solve these copyright problems in order to realize real resource - sharing including the measures of the law , the technology and the management
  • This may be seen as a step toward reducing the inherent reorganization - bias in the former tax system . besides the former experts we have discussed , there are neutral - viewpoint experts like summers and shleifer . they think that only if reorganization - bias in tax system results in the lots of uses of real resources and severe distortion of economy , it is undesirable in the society
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